
Showing posts from October, 2017

Build Day #36: She's all ours!

E komo mai [welcome], Lanikaimakani!  What an adventure we had yesterday!  Our little house made her way from Johanna’s building site to her new home in Laupahoehoe, winding down side roads, barreling along the highway at 35mph, and climbing up, up, up to her resting place! Alas, it’s not her final one, as the trailer's weld gave out in two places at the bottom of the driveway. For now she is where she can catch her breath, await for the repair, and anticipate her culminating 180 degree rotation. Johanna, Bill, and JC were an awesome team, working in lockstep to get her level and hooked up for night #1.  Mother Nature approves, we think, given the rainbow she threw our way at day's end. I'm particularly happy with the bed and the loft. Making it was not a highlight, but it’s actually possible to sit up up without hitting your head, which apparently I was worried about. And there is plenty of space for our various iPad, cell phone, and drinking water needs. Grateful

Build Day #35: Final prep for the move!

10/4/17 It's the morning of the move Later today (Wednesday) our little house will make her way home!  Here she is at her coming out party on Sunday, which was held at the farm where Johanna does her builds. Isn't she a looker!? To say that the last few days have been crazy would be an understatement. We learned over the weekend that the daily closure of the access road to to our property is shifting from half days to full days on Friday, so everything has been shifted forward to avoid two weeks' delivery delay. The driveway, which was poured four feet short, needed some serious help with the transitions from dirt to concrete. They've been filled in with rocks on either end. While it's not complete, it's good enough for the trailer to make it to the site. The cattle guard we had built by a local welder to put over a swale in the driveway (which can be seen off to the right of the tree) was finally delivered yesterday, after MANY fits and st

Build Day #34: Open House prep!

Today’s the big day... Akamai (the style name they’ve given our little house) makes her debut. Yesterday, we filled our truck with items to move and Jim spent the better part of the day contributing our five pieces of furniture to the stage. And Jim got a crash course in tiny living.  I have been obsessed with making sure that our bed would be every bit as comfortable as a “normal” one despite the close quarters. That means everything really needs to be as low-profile as possible in order to ensure comfort and that left at least some room for the human body once complete. The net result is a 5” bed frame, a 4” box spring, a 5” gel-foam mattress, and a 2” feather bed/mattress cover. Here's the math - that’s 16” total for a space that is 48” tall in the center. Needless to say, I’m quite proud of myself. As I sat comfortably in an HPA Board meeting, Jim delivered and put together all of these components. And - this is where the crash course happened - he did the latter while in